Tuesday, May 26, 2009


A while back I learned that Jeremy's college, NC State has a dairy production on campus, and they produce ice cream! You can buy individual cups too! So we're purchasing some for our wedding, and of course I had to have a stylish place to put it with our dessert buffet..... I spotted this, and had to have it!

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It will live in our dining area before and after the wedding to house beer and other things when people come over! I love it!

For the ice cream (and other goodies) from NCSU, see www.cals.ncsu.edu/food_science/PilotPlant/DairyProducts.htm

1 comment:

birdcagebride said...

omg how much was that thing?? looks expensive. Alan is an NC State grad and I had thought about surprising him with the ice cream but we are already having too much cake (lol) and a chocolate fountain. I'd still like to know how much that nifty freezer was! :)